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Espacio Food Service is the most important food industry trade fair in Chile.





Get to know all the news, innovations and industry trends in one place

The event, which will take place on October 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2024, will be your TWELFTH EDITION and will take place at the Espacio Riesco Convention and Events Center, where the main industry players will meet and show the latest news and trends in products, services and technologies.

Espacio Food Service is the B2B meeting that allows you to generate new business opportunities and strengthen ties with business partners.

Figures Food & Service Space 2023

31,700 Attendees

85% of the total number of attendees are mainly decision makers.


The attendees were Entrepreneurs, Partners, Producers and Area Managers.

Chile has 61 food products

In the top ten of the international export ranking

31% of Chilean companies

Correspond to the food sector.



Toda la industria invitada a vivir la fiesta de octubre próximo


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